At Angel’s Paradise, we recognise the importance of creating a bridge between the day care centre and the school environment and encouraging the ideal of a learning continuum. We encourage the development of important social, self-help and school readiness skills that will best prepare children for the transition to formal schooling.
Children commencing the first year of schooling face a school situation that is qualitatively different from their preschool experiences in terms of curriculum, the setting and the people. To help with this change we at Angel’s Paradise implement the following within our curriculum to help children have a positive experience moving onto formal schooling.
- Follow Early Years Learning Framework
- Use Reading Eggs Program
- Use Ant in the Apple Program (both these programs are used at some schools)
- Focus on writing skills
- Research what local schools are looking for prior to beginning Kindergarten
- Our curriculum focuses on: Literacy, mathematics, Science & Technology, Creative Arts and Physical Education and Exercise
Staff at Angel’s Paradise Early Education Centre work with local schools to help with this transition.