Image of cute little scientist doing research with chemical fluid in the laboratory

Is Your Child A Scientist?

posted in: Articles, Preschoolers, Toddlers

Science skills for preschoolers are part of everyday activities. The skills they learn allow them to make sense of the world around them and how they fit into their environment. Children are natural scientists and encouraging these skills will benefit them for a life time. While their constant asking “Why?’ might at times frustrate us, it points to an enquiring mind and a child’s natural curiosity. As they seek to explore and make sense of the world around them, children are developing sound scientific skills:

  • Looking at consequences, they learn to predict eg if I push this plate on the floor, what will happen?
  • They learn to observe and sometimes our questions may direct them to focus on particular things
  • They sort and categorise
  • At play, for example if they are building something, they learn to problem solve.
  • As they become independent they learn that living things have needs life food, water, shelter. Helping to look after a family pet can help develop this understanding.
  • Their ‘hands on’ approach to exploring helps them to use their senses.
  • Growing a plant from seed or having a pet opens them to understanding life cycles

Some things to remember:

  • Don’t be afraid to use technical language if appropriate to explain a concept.
  • Give questions your attention and answer them as best as you can or show the child how you find an answer.
  • Invite your child sometimes to hypothesise an answer to their own question. For example:  Where do clouds come from? Be prepared to be amazed by their creativity and insights.

Find a great webpage with some simple science experiments here: Science experiments for curious kids with Dr Karl


At Angel’s Paradise, children are provided with many ways to explore their environment and interact with different materials.