Image of hugging boy and girl enjoying sweets at Halloween party

Is Halloween For Children?

posted in: Articles, Events

Halloween has ancient roots in the Celtic tradition. The word ‘Halloween’ is shortened from ‘hallowed evening’ – the day before All Hallows Day, or All Saints Day, on 1st November. Halloween was believed by the Celts to be a time when the barrier between us and those in the afterlife became thin, allowing spirits to pass through and perhaps cause havoc on people or crops. It was adapted into the Christian tradition in the 8th Century when All Hallows Day was set to counter pagan celebrations.

The origin of trick or treating began in 16th Century Ireland, Scotland and Wales where people dressed in costumes and went from door to door asking for food in exchange for a song or poem.  The idea of dressing up was to fool the spirits who were believed to be about on that evening.  The term ‘trick or treating’ is a relatively modern inclusion thought to date to the 1920’s in the United States. Then people would ask for sweets or were threatened with a prank.

For a History of Halloween:

YouTube – Halloween History for Kids

Social Studies for Kids – The History of Halloween

Kiddy House – All About Halloween for Kids & Teachers

For Halloween crafts & activities:

Family Education – Halloween Fun & Activities

DLTK’s Crafts for Kids – Halloween Crafts & Children’s Activities

Time for Kids – Halloween

For Costumes ideas:

DLTK’s Crafts for Kids – Halloween Costumes

Time for Kids – Halloween

For Movies about Halloween:

Parenting – 19 Best Halloween Movies for Kids (scary movies, that aren’t too scary)

Reader’s Digest – Best Halloween Movies for Kids (less frightening, more fun)

RedBook – 21 of the All-Time Best Halloween Movies for Kids


At Angel’s Paradise, we read stories or have activities related to many community celebrations.