Does my Preschooler have to be Busy all the time?

posted in: Articles, Preschoolers

With so many commercial learning activities provided in communities for children, we can feel guilty if they are not constantly busy and engaged in learning. Like so much of parenting, it is important to take our cue from the individual child, bearing in mind your own work commitments and other obligations as well. Even a busy child needs downtime to relax, read, play or do nothing. We need to learn to be relaxed as well as to be busy.

Programs which encourage parent involvement are often good for your child (and you) as they can strengthen your relationship with each other in a relaxed and fun environment. It’s good to expose your child to a range of possibilities and observe their interest and listen for how they talk about what they are seeing or doing.

There are many programs on offer centering on health and fitness, cultural or musical activities or intellectual pursuits. For a young child, exposure to a mixture of things can be beneficial. While a child of exceptional talent will probably focus early on that talent, for the rest of us life offers programs at various stages to fulfil us. We don’t have to achieve it all at 4!

A good program is one that is child-centered, is provided by trained facilitators who enjoy what they are offering and encourages some interaction between parent and child.

A visit to your local library will provide a list of many activities that are offered in your local community.

Avoid the trap of thinking that your child will automatically enjoy the activities that you enjoy but also be prepared for them to enthusiastically involve themselves in your interests.

At Angel’s Paradise Early Education Centre, experiences offered within the Preschool program will endeavour to develop children in all developmental areas through their interests.